The wonders never seem to cease when it comes to the speed with which Cally seems to develop...almost on a day to day basis. She isn't far away from being able to roll from her back onto her stomach, mostly for sake of necessity (when her pacifier falls out of her mouth when napping). So far Cally has fruitlessly snapped at it with her open mouth like a little turtle on it's back trying to eat a bug.
The nicknames also seem to keep coming in waves. Most recently in favor have been "Barack Obama ears" in celebration of her her cute little ears outward migration and my personal favorite (in celebration of Cally's incredible and newly arrived saliva production) "Drooly McCoy"...a tip of the hat to the famed social coordinator from the smash 70's sitcom "The Love Boat" that turned out to be an endless commercial for the cruise industry. The other night our friend Tom also pronounced Cally's likeness to a baby orangutan because of the tossed red fuzzy hair on top of her head.
Other dexterity tricks Cally's been experimenting with in the past couple of days:
grabbing little toys and rattles and being able to hold onto them and clutching our hands while feeding her. We've also got Cally started on the "Baby Bungee" our friends Chris and Kara gave us. It's a riot watching her dangle from a door frame velcro'ed into her purple harness and trying to feel her legs and bounce. 10 minutes worth on Monday had her all tuckered out. she dropped like a bag of cement when she hit the crib for a nap immediately after.
Me well I'm adjusting to trying live and accomplish projects in one hour plus snatches of time. While society doesn't seem close to as bleak for me as in the famed T.S. Eliott poem "Lovesong of J Alfred Prufrock" (not with daycares to to visit, library parenting group and trips to the dump with Cally, yesterday scoring a 1970's Genesee Ale apres' ski poster for my garage art collection:) I am relating to the idea of "measuring out my life with coffee spoons"! Parenthood has surely brought a huge alignment of priorities and reflection and "spitting out the butt ends of my days and ways"!
Have known the evenings, mornings, afternoons, | 50 |
I have measured out my life with coffee spoons; | |
I know the voices dying with a dying fall | |
Beneath the music from a farther room. | |
So how should I presume? | |
And I have known the eyes already, known them all— | 55 |
The eyes that fix you in a formulated phrase, | |
And when I am formulated, sprawling on a pin, | |
When I am pinned and wriggling on the wall, | |
Then how should I begin | |
To spit out all the butt-ends of my days and ways? |