Last weekend, John's parents came up for their "Cally Fix". It had been a few months and they needed to see how their youngest grandchild was changing.
So, she strutted her stuff..........

And showed them her good buddy, Lobster.

She loves her grandparents and we love having them to visit.

They motivate us to do fun things with Cally, like go apple picking-- a classic Vermont activity that we thought Cally should do.

Cally had her first apple.

She loved it.

She actually wouldn't put the apple down for the rest of our visit:

Even when we got in the car, she had to have the apple.......

And when I tried to reposition it in her mouth, she got pretty upset (yes, even this little smiling one can't always hold it together).

So, what does one do with all the apples?
Tonight we had a Forced Family Pie Making event....... John and I made three different pies: apple custard, crunchy top, and traditional. John is quite proud of his pie fluting abilities