We live in a great place. We have great friends and a beautiful house..... that is so close to being done, but not quite there. For the past two years, we've gotten so used to the look of Tyvec paper as our exterior, that we hardly notice what is missing. Last summer, John tried to do the siding himself, but didn't get all that far before he realized he was in over his head. This spring, we hired two fine carpenters and a lift to jump start the project. Once the tough stuff was done and the coffers were empty, we tried to motivate to do the shingling ourselves, once again. But we needed something to jump start the momentum. Which is why, we had to call in the troops, once again, and ask our friends to help us make some more headway on our siding project. It's never fun to have to ask for help, but it's great to have it once you get it. A few weeks ago, we had a Siding Party. This is what our house looked like at 9am:

And this is what it looked like by 6pm:

Five fine men worked on a gorgeous day. My job was to keep these fine men fed, dip shingles, and do my best to keep kids entertained. Fortunately, the kids did a good job of entertaining themselves and a few of my ladies helped keep everything sane:

And since then, we've kept the momentum going. During the day, while the kids are napping, I dip shingles. When John comes home from work, he jumps on the staging, picks up the nail gun and gets going. Once the kids are fed and in bed, I get back to dipping....... and so that is how our summer has been going. I've got stain between my toes and the kids fall asleep to the sweet sound of the compressor and nail gun.
But we're getting there!
We can see the light and feel really good about what our families home is going to look like.