Thursday, August 16, 2018

Our summer wouldn't be complete without a visit to both sets of grandparents in CT.  This year, I asked the kids if they would rather go to the zoo or Playland, an old school amusement park in Rye, NY.  They chose the latter. 

I gave the grandparents a pass on the visit.  I figured it was too much to ask them to spend the day schlogging around an amusement park.  But, Grandma wouldn't have it.  She wanted to go.  And Bumpa, of course, suffers from F.O.M.O. (fear of missing out), so even with a hurt heel, he came along. 

Thank goodness they joined us.  It turns out, the kids have very different approaches to their amusement park visit.  Hazey is a total thrill seeker and can't get enough of the roller coasters and fast spinning rides.  Cally likes rides, but of the more mellow variety. 


Something else that is fortunate is Hazey going back to school shopping with Grandma the day before our visit, because his new shoes gave him just enough of a lift to get him onto the Dragon Coaster, which he LOVED.  Bumpa and I were not quite as enamored by the ride.  That wooden beast is painful on the back. 


The ferris wheel was closed for a little while, but it opened up for the kids and grandparents to take a ride. 

And the bumper cars were a real "hit".  Unfortunately, Hazen didn't meet the height requirement. 

All in all it was such a fun experience.  The kids and the grandparents, alike, had a really fun time.

The weather didn't really cooperate for a beach day on Tuesday, so we made our way to the Maritime Museum and Imax movie in Norwalk instead.  Bumpa knows the place well and the kids had a great time. We also saw a wonderful movie about panda bears and black bears.

We did get a beach day on the day we headed to Farmington, which made everyone happy.  But first, Grandma unloaded bags and bags of toiletries, perfumes, and lotions to the kids.  Here Cally is giving Hazen a pedicure. 

Next stop was Grandpa and Nana's house in Farmington.  As is always the case, the grandparents provided a great feast and we were lucky enough to have dinner with Lynn, Mark and Chris.

Of course, Hazey doesn't miss an opportunity to get dressed up:

Nor goof around:

It was great to have the chance to see the grandparents before the insanity of a new school year creeps up on us.  We are so lucky!