As Katy has taken over responsibility for publishing our blog since early last summer, this entry is in appreciation for all she does to keep our family organized and Cally happy and pleased as a pea. Katy's love and energy for her family are boundless. Since becoming a mom nearly a year ago, her compass of priority and joy has been firmly fixed on the needs and well being of Cally...and with great result.

It's not only the requisites of motherhood that Katy has embraced so enthusiastically and naturally (breastfeeding, diaper changing and choosing outfits). She is so genuinely loving, joyful and fulfilled in Cally's presence it's become a powerful thing to witness the growth of their relationship. No matter the time of night she awakes, how fussy he gets when tired or how hard she bites when feeding, Cally knows intuitively that she's the most important thing in the world to her mom. She can tell by the fact that Katy's face lights up every time she sees her. Cally can tell by the patience Katy has when reading her books, or when she throws her food on the floor or when her mom inventories her clothes that are too small or uncomfortable.

Katy has so naturally found her stride as a mom. She makes the responsibilities of parenting a baby seem effortless...and for her it is. She loves Cally deeply and intuitively, at all times understanding her needs, expressions and outbursts of laughter. The glee in Katy's eyes when she watches Cally giggle at the animals as they circle her is priceless...or her laughing at Cal's little peg legged walking journeys at the helm of her Radio Flyer.

Katy and Cally so thoroughly enjoy and love each other, it gives me a great sense of well-being to simply sit back and watch. Like light, effortless turns through new fallen snow or the peaceful feeling of watching a warm spring rain from a porch hammock, Katy and Cally are as natural a fit you could ever hope for. Go ahead Cal, your Mom knows you love her... tell your mama all about it!