Nana's birthday is reason to celebrate! We planned to celebrate her 75th trip around the sun the weekend after new years. The plan was to leave work early and get to Hartford by early evening for a fun evening planned by Lynnie.
We awoke to a snow day....... a bluster cold snow day, at that. John was insistent that we head to the mountain for at least a morning of skiing "because we are Abbott's and that is what we do". Cally wasn't interested, so we arranged for her to play at a neighbors house. Meanwhile, it was so cold that John and Hazen's skis were frozen in John's Thule box on the top of his car. He was outside with a blow drier, trying to open the box. Eventually, he had to surrender, because the key was bent and no longer functional.
Fortunately, Hazey and John both have extra skis. So we made it to the mountain, only to find super cold, wind packed conditions. We were "one and done"! Nothing ventures, nothing gained......
The drive to Farmington was easy, even though there had been a lot of snow where we live. Ten minutes before arriving to Nana and Grandpa's, Hazen announced that his belly hurt. Twenty minutes after arrival, he had vomited. This meant Hazen and I had to stay home and watch Olympic qualifiers while the rest of the family celebrated Peg :o(
But, by morning he was back in action, ready to celebrate Christmas with his grandparents.
And since we were in CT, we decided to visit with our my dear friends, Grey and Deb who had moved back to the area from Bozeman.
Cal and Lucy are kindred spirits! We had a ball sledding and visiting with them in Lakeville.