Today is Mother's Day and Cally and I have been working hard to let Katy know she is the best mother in Vermont...the world for that matter. Our day started early as Cal and I hustled out to the Jericho General Store to pick up the NY Times for Katy, letting her sleep in without having to worry about feeding Cally or listening to me snore obliviously in the first morning light. It's been a grey rainy day here in Jericho, the kind where you want to go no where fast and the next section of the paper seems like a fine next objective...or possibly attempt to make hollandaise sauce for eggs benedict for Katy, emphasis on "attempt".
Cally's week has been remarkable, filled both with victories and defeats...I guess a reasonable metaphor for all that will come later in her young little life. First the victories. In the last 24 hours Cally successfully rolled completely from her back onto her stomach. While we've been reveling in her new show of coordination and independence, the writing is clearly on the wall. Next Cally will be crawling, then running, then driving, dating and get the picture of the already over nostalgic parents:)
In other victory news, Cally had her 4 month check up with her pediatrician on Wednesday and the word was all good. Tipping the scales at a whopping 13 pounds, she's ascended to the 50 percentile for kids her age in weight (all that milk seems to be working) and is still a giant among her peers at a whopping 25 1/2 inches, 90 percent taller than all of her peers. Now we realize of course there's a long road ahead, but I'd be lying to say we haven't considered the possibility of fishing around for a WNBA futures contract or at least a meeting with Geno Auriemma down at UConn. He's usually combing around for some tall and upstanding women.
Most importantly, Cally's super healthy, happy and blows our minds daily...
Now for the big loss of the week...Cally' previously unchinked armor of health finally took a hit. The fever, the lacking strength and the sure sign of sinus infection, the green boogers. I've been wondering when her number would come up given how many kids she comes into contact with and how much they all love to hold and touch her. When I have the flu or colds I'm pretty much irrascible and out of sorts. Not our Cally, the poor dear. No matter how mucousy (sp?) Cally was last week, you just can't keep a good woman down! She still had such a great disposition, always smiling...even when coughing and with glassy little eyes. Heck I'd go to bring her to Katy to feed at 5:30am (retrieved from her crib) and through the crusty yellow gunk in her beautiful little blue eyes and the green gunk cemented to her little nostrils, came the trademark ear to ear Cally smile indicating she was ready to rage on with the day! I mean she was obviously happy here, even after a mid day barf in my hair:
To all the other special mothers out there (and those soon to be in our family) Peg, Mary Lou, Lynnie, Paula & Nif...Happy Mother's Day! You all have lots to be proud of...