Sunday, May 5, 2013

Spring Break!

Can you imagine spending a week in a North Carolina forest in the Smokey Mountains with this cast of characters?  Pretty darn cute!  From left to right we have Henry Kelsey (16 months), Isaac Aubin (4 years old), Hazey, Cally, and Oliver Aubin (2 years old).  We all convened at the Davidson River Campground after 17+ hours of driving on a Sunday night.  We had a blast.  Here's a photo summary of a really fun adventure:

2 year old buddies
finding and climbing on magic rocks
counting tree rings
Finding a make believe stage and forming a band
lounging around and reading books
Special guests Sherry and George Westerfield!
Quiet moments of drawing
Smokey the Bear Club
hockey, lacrosse, soccer.....
Learning about the forest with Sherry and George

Getting ready for kids hike-- "one for all, all for one!"

Awesome little hikers!

rest stop looking for birds

Fun bouncy bridge

Sitting in the gutter tree

Barefoot stream exploration

Good friends

Feeding Henry

Lots of Scooter Time

Biking on a boardwalk at the kids loop

Teeter Totter!
Cheering on big sis!


 Best date ride ever!  Thanks to Sherry & George

A scare at the Transylvania County Hospital-- nothing broken!  Phew!

After four days in the Pisgah National Forest, I packed everyone up and we headed back to Vermont on the slow train, making some fun stops along the way.  The kids were troopers in the car.  Their patience in the car amazed us.

We got to stop in Baltimore on the way down and on the way back home.  The kids love hanging out with their cousin (and aunt and uncle).

Will even got a scooter between our visits, so the kids had a ball playing in the back alley of Roger's Forge.

Next stop was Rosendale, NY to visit with Beckett, Iris, Tim and Sophia. 

Running Race
Keeping up with the big kids!