Since the weather wasn't acting very lamb-like at the end of March, we decided to go see some lambs. Shelburne Farms has more than 90 new lambs, so we brought Bumpa and Grandma to see them. Cally loved looking at the lambs, but I think she liked getting her family members to grab chickens for her to pet even more:

As is always the case, Cally had a wonderful time with her Grandma and Bumpa. She coerced them into reading many books at all times of the days-- including the early morning hours, thus letting her parents get a few extra winks. She particularly liked playing horsey on her Bumpa's belly!
Speaking of Spring, Cally did some spring cleaning and got her first haircut. She opted to sit in the yellow car, but was tempted by the motorcycle. And her dad even got a cut after her.

And as promised, Cal was back in action at the Swimming Hole as soon as we could get her there!

And since the snow is still around and Cally has made amazing progress in the walking department, she requested that she return to the slopes:
A posting would not be complete without an update of the little man. At his two month appointment, we weighed in at 11 lbs and 4oz (50th percentile) and just under 23 inches long (also 50th percentile). I can't remember how big his head was, but that was also int he 50th percentile. He's doing really well, smiling a bunch, wiggling, and sleeping like a rock.
And finally, the double chariot is all set up so we can get out in a different sort of way as a family. But we'll have to stick to skiing until the mud subsides for the jogging attachment.