Hazey's godparents were heading down to Boston to take care of their grandson for the weekend and asked if the kids would be interested in joining them and perhaps help out. Hazey quickly jumped on the opportunity and Cal was a little more hesitant (because she hates sleepovers and is a bit of a home body). Once she heard that they'd be going to the Children's Museum and the Aquarium, she was in.
I don't have any pictures of their weekend, but John and I had such a fun impromptu date weekend (well, actually, more like 30 hours). First we skied, then we got some stuff done around the house, we headed to Burlington for what we thought would be dinner and a movie. We had the BEST dinner at Honey Road, but decided to do some Christmas shopping instead of perhaps falling asleep at the movies (I call that the $12 nap). We spent Sunday lying in a bit, skiing some more, getting more stuff done around the house, and then met the kids and the godparents in Waterbury for dinner.
The kids had a ball with Tom, Cara and Julius. The report is that they were wonderful playmates for Julius and were easy breezey. Cal only called us once (before she left, she asked if she could call me 100 times). I'm proud of the kids. I know how hard it is for Cal to be away. We are so lucky to have godparents who want to spend time with our kids and thank us for sharing them.
For years, John and I savored a few hours to ourselves, for us. As the kids have gotten more independent and busy, we get to spend more time together. The more time I spend with this guy, the more I love him and feel so lucky to get to be with him for the long haul.