This is 8. Our gal Cal is such a special little person. She continues to amaze me with her curiosity, courage, compassion, and spunk. She marches to the beat of her own drummer. It is so fun getting to know her more and more everyday. We love her with all our heart and can't believe she'll be driving in another 8 years!?!?!?!?
To celebrate 8, we thought we'd do a quick and easy party. We'd have a handful of friends over after school, take them to see the movie "Sing" and eat pizza before they went home. It ended up being a little more complicated than I thought it would be-- finding seven car seats, feeding kids with food allergies, and losing my wallet all made for a hectic day.
But it all worked out and Cal felt pretty great on her special day. Piper, Thompson, Lila, Cadence, Izzy, Josie, and Celine all celebrated with her. The movie was perfect!
We continued the celebration the next day with Bumpa, Grandma, Tom, Cynthia, Cara, and Scott. Cally is so lucky to be surrounded by so many people who love her and appreciate her for exactly who she is.
And the sun came out for a great afternoon ski before the second celebration began.
We love you so much Macalister Jane! Being your mom has been one of the greatest gifts I have ever received. You make me think, but most importantly, you make me a better person.