This makes me so happy- ski touring with my husband, kids and dog This is something I only dreamed of doing 10 years ago. I have to pinch myself! I am beyond proud of these two. It's not easy to move uphill with heavy boots, downhill skis, and touring inserts, but they are doing it!
I'm not sure they love it as much as me on the uphill, but they love the skiing fresh powder on the way down:
And they look like such pros:
In other news, we celebrated an early birthday for Johnny with Scott, Cynthia, Tom and Cara:
Cynthia made a delicious carrot cake:
There was lots of love for John. It's always fun to have an excuse to gather and celebrate with the godparents:
And, the zip line is just as fun in the cold weather with our friend, Dean:
We also made it to Casey's Hill for some sledding with Dean. So fun to have so much snow to play upon: