Sunday, June 2, 2013

Wild Weather

On Memorial Day, there was snow on Mt. Mansfield.  Northern Vermont had had over 7 inches of rain in a week and it was a miserable weather weekend.   I ran half the Vermont City Marathon in the rain, with a high temperature of 50 degrees and a headwind (but the conditions allowed for my speedy partner and I to have a personal best-- even if we didn't retain our Women's Master's championship).

A bunch of roads were trashed where we live:

But it meant there was lots of ooey gooey mud to play in:

To add to the fun, John and Cally picked up their chicks:

These chickens were their idea and it's something I tried to stay out of....... until John took off for a week four days after their arrival?!?!?  I've since become a well versed "sticky bottom" fixer, feeder, cage cleaner, and heat lamp replacer.  And they are getting big fast.  I have no idea what the plan is for outdoor living, but I'm trying not to make that my problem. But, John knows I'm a sucker for animals and I do love fresh eggs.......

With so much cold weather and rain,  we put in some time at ECHO and had a great playdate with Thompson:

The weather started turning towards summer on Monday, so Mary and Austin hosted a fun little gathering at their house:
The kids paddling on the pond

lining up for races
running fast like their parents did the day before in the marathon (doing various different legs)
going for it!

By mid-week, it was into the 80's and hazey, hot and humid.  I'm figuring out the single working mom thing. The kids even  managed to dodge the puke bug that hit the majority of the kids at Tammy's house (so far).  Cally's class at Poker Hill had a field trip to her teacher's parents farm on Friday.  It doesn't look like she had any fun at all!


We had a scooter play date on Saturday morning and a great fifth birthday party for her friend Aoife on Saturday-- slip and slide, bouncey house, and great cocktails for the parents!


Even Hazey had a ball!

John comes home from teaching his course in Maine tomorrow.  The kids have pink eye, but I started them on antibiotic drops this morning, so I'm crossing my fingers that they will be all right for school tomorrow.  Otherwise, it'll be an interesting morning with them at school (because I need to be there for two of my classes).  We miss Dad a lot, but the kids have been really fun and it does get easier and easier as they get a little older-- entertaining themselves, helping a little more, and making sure I feel appreciated with hugs and kisses frequently.