The week after the holidays, Tammy, our beloved daycare provider had to close up shop for a few days for some scheduled medical procedure. Because it was our first week back at school after the holidays, neither John nor I had the flexibility to take three days off. So, we called in the reinforcements and with pleasure they arrived. Nana and Grandpa are just those kind of Grandparents. The ones who will come up at the drop of a hat to help us out.
They arrived with a home cooked meal for us, voices ready to read many books to the kids, energy to deal with two little kids for two days, and a willingness to bring them to the local libraries story hour and a trip to the bakery.
And after spending two full days with our kids, they gave John and I the opportunity to go on a much appreciated dinner and skating date.
I say this all the time, but I feel so, so lucky to have family who can help us out during a busy time and offer so much unadulterated love to our children. They have more patience, understanding, and encouragement for us than I could ever ask for. Thank you Nana and Grandpa!