We can't believe it was a year ago that I was willing to do just about anything to meet you. We must have known that a really special person lurked beneath my belly. You were ten days past your due date and a Nor'easter was cranking through Vermont (not like this year where it hit places that can't even take advantage of it). We wanted you to come when you were ready, but we also didn't want to have your special day compete with Christmas.
Alas, you decided to join us on December 22nd. The day after the longest night of the year (that was the longest night of our lives, last year!). The day that lightness starts to increase for the first time in six months. The day the earth is starting to tilt a little closer to the sun.
How symbolic! Because your arrival has brought nothing but light to our lives. Your smile really can light up a room, your laugh can brighten any foul mood, and your simple curiosity is so much fun to watch everyday.
And so, to celebrate all the joy that you've brought to us, we decided to throw you a party last Sunday. We wanted to thank all our friends for their support over the past year and bring folks together for a Holiday/Solstice/Birthday gathering. We spent days cleaning the house, cooking cupcakes and gingerbread men and buying provisions. It was the least we could do for our little girl that brings us so much joy, each and every day.
You didn't really know what to think about the whole affair. First came the presents.....
and then the flaming cupcakes:
You weren't really sure what to do with those brown squishy mounds with candles in them:
And then when you were given one of your own, you wondered if this was supposed to be a tactile sensory experience or sweet taste sensation.
Once you got the hang of it, you seemed to really like those homemade chocolate cupcakes with butter cream frosting.
We didn't get any pictures of the insanity of this party that we threw for you, because it was all a big blur for us. But we did get a shot of the kids settling down to watch a little Charlie Brown's Christmas. In total, we hosted over 20 kids under the age of 8 and more than 50 adults! I think there was a period of time when all of us were roaming the house at once...
Happy 1st Birthday to our beautiful daughter Macalister Jane! Everyday on the planet with you is a gift. We can't wait to celebrate all of your birthday's to come...