There really isn't a whole lot more to love about Vermont than this time of year......... It's been all about eating apples on your own, checking out pumpkins:

Riding ponies and tractors:

Jumping in inflatable bouncy houses:

Apple picking:

Checking out farm animals:

Hanging out with cousins:

It's been an amazing fall. Cally is more and more fun everyday. She's talking about her wants and needs ("I do it myself", "Dad, I need help"), taking on "big girl" responsibility and skills (she actually feeds the animals, is drinking with some success out of a real cup, and putting on her own boots), giving unsolicited hugs and kisses, singing songs, counting to five or six, and insisting on climbing in and out of her car seat on her own.

Who could imagine this little red head throwing a tantrum at the grocery store the other night?