Wednesday, January 31, 2018


I can't believe Hazey is 7!  What a wild trip it's been.  He came into this world so gentle and chill.  He's turned in to such a firey, loving, kind, funny, enthusiastic guy.  I could never have imaged the kind of person he would become.......... But I'm so, so glad he is a part of our family.  He makes everyday more interesting.   He is goofy and wild, but so thoughtful and caring.  He is a juxtaposition unto himself.  

For his classroom celebration, he asked me to make blondies.  I was thrilled with his easy request. I went ahead and souped up the recipe with M & M's and put them into bake. However, I put them into a pan that was much too deep and small.  I ended up with hot dough that wasn't going to cook through.  So, I thought quickly and put the half baked dough into muffin tins.  But when I took them out, they looked like unicorn poops.  I couldn't serve that up for my special dudes birthday.  He assured me that they'd taste great I didn't need to fix them.  But, I wanted to show him that if you are going to do something for someone, you should do it right........

So, I went to the store, bought more ingredients and did it right the second time:

Hazey got lots of presents!

 We celebrated his special night by going to dinner at JCAT and having dessert at home.  Thanks to a delicious cake by Cara.

 More handsome clothes were aquirred for his birthday:

This guy is one of the brightest light in my life.  He shows perseverance and grit in almost everything he does.  He knows what he wants and he goes for it.  He drops love bombs that melt our hearts.  He has amazing energy, which when targeting in the right direction will do amazing things in the world.