Can you believe that this lovely lady just turned 70 years old?!?!?!? I can't! She is one of the most active, fit, and fun 70 year old ladies that I've ever met and she's one darn amazing mother, grandmother, and wife.

I can't think of a better reason to celebrate this fantastic woman. And celebrate we did! The other weekend, for the first time since Hazen arrived, the entire PK Meyer brood got together to honor our matriarch. All 13 of us!

Not only is she a really hands-on grandmother, but she has equiped her house with everything an infant to eight year old might want to play with during a stay there--- bouncey chairs, high chairs, musical instruments, art supplies, puzzles, books, stuffed animals, exersaucer, trampoline, bikes, stollers, etc.

The grandkids have a ball together:

And the kids and partners do, too:

She should be proud of the life she's led, the kids she's raised, and the grandchildren she's made smile. Thanks for giving us a reason to get together and have fun!