I love my family. But I also love my friend. The friends that I met in college are some of the greatest friends I have-- even if 20 years have elapsed. Because my alma mater is only an hour from my home, it doesn't take much to get me to any of my reunions. Fortunately, many of my friends have a soft spot in their hearts for Vermont, so they gladly make the trek up here. But because many of them are coming from far-- California, Virginia, Idaho, NYC, etc., we decided to prolong the event and make a four day event out of the whole thing. With the help of these friends (and my fabulous husband)
I was able to spend some time with these lovely ladies and lots of other fascinating classmates during a beautiful weekend in June. John was able to join me for the first night of festivities because Tom and Cara had the kids over for a slumber party and then took them to a fund raising event at Oakledge Park in Burlington for the day on Saturday.
It was so great to see old friends and even connect with folks I hadn't stayed in touch with for the past 20 years. We stayed in dorm rooms, ate cafeteria food, and really felt like we were in college again-- pretending for just a weekend that we didn't have all the responsibilities that we have now, realizing
how amazing it was to be in college-- where coffee was made for you everyday, dishes were washed for you, and your biggest stress was writing a paper and getting enough sleep.
Meanwhile, John was playing a superstar role as husband.... he stocked the refrigerator and cupboards at High Meadow where five of us returned for two nights of relaxation. He took the kids climbing, drove them to school, delivered us a fruit salad, and let my friends meet the kids for just the right amount of time.
Every once in a while, Cally asks me why I have to leave to see friends for an evening or several days. My response is always the same. I hope she develops great friendships like the ones I am so lucky to have. Where time can elapse and distance can come between us, but we always have each other in our hearts.