This girl has been waiting and waiting and waiting to lose her front tooth. It started wiggling in November and I was sure it would be gone by Christmas....... Finally, it fell out! She was so excited to have an excuse to write Tina the Tooth Fairy a letter. She also got a "new" bike on Craigslist. It has gears and hand brakes and she's super excited to ride it at Mountain Bike Camp in June.
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Even though the sun is shining and it feels like spring, we continue to ski at Smuggs. The kids are having so much fun and it's cute to see them have fun together.
Cal took me to a secret spot that her ski instructor showed her.
In other news, Hazey's god parents became grandparents. Little Julius was introduced to his Vermont "cousins" and they were so excited to be with a baby.
We even managed to get out on some single track mountain bike trails..... in March! So strange to be on mountain bikes so early, but so fun to ride with these little rippers.
And finally, after only five piano lessons, Cally had her first piano recital. She did great! And the cutest part was the unsolicited hug Hazey ran up and gave her right after she finished.
I love this picture of Cally below. She looks so happy. Unfortunately, our little fire cracker has been struggling with a lot of worries lately. She hasn't been able to put a finger on the worries, but she's been having lots of belly aches and has been pretty unhappy about going to school. There have been lots of tears and lots of second guessing herself. It's been so hard to see our once carefree and confident gal seem reticent and timid. Her teacher and guidance counselor have been wonderful. They have coached me about not acknowledging the worries. They say that doing so will give oxygen to the fire. This is hard. Way harder than I thought raising a seven year old would be.