Monday 4/13/09:
weather: sunny, cool and windy high low 40's.
projects: wrote some of my book review for class, went to chiropractor (felt great), returned the damn milk foamer for our coffee that broke over the weekend (what do you mean you can drink coffee without hot foamed milk? what are you a Luddite?) and got the galvanized pipe we're using for a shower curtain cut to length and threaded...looks sweet:) Can finally take showers in our new bathroom!
Einstein & The Office
One of the most fun things to do these days is to observe Cally's fascination with her "exersaucer", this large, plastic, spaceship with seat and full of sensory fun for babies. Katy found on Craig's List. It really is an impressive "developmental toy". As far as I can tell, "developmental toys" fall under the classification of any apparatus that is safe, immobile and will keep babies engaged long enough for you to go to the bathroom, do a few dishes or clean her room a bit (okay, so I occasionally check e-mail and the Sox scores too... so shoot me already!). Anyway, this thing is called Baby Einstein and we're pretty much convinced it is Cally's ticket into MIT. I mean come on, if she can hit one of the animal sound buttons 3 times in a row and cull the extended version of a nursery rhyme, Cally is clearly going places. It also has a stuffed dragon to chew on, a little stuffed sun to chew on, some spinning wheels to manipulate (then try chew on) and her favorite, a little rubber book with animals and a mirror (that she inevitably tries to chew on). Somehow, I doubt that Einstein had this much fun...
The truth is that Cally has a love hate relationship with this thing. When we first drop her into it she kind of peruses her options and smiles, squeaks and coos until she settles into her objective activity. Katy has come to call it "The Office". Cally really seems as if she's kind of going to work. She checks-in, takes off her coat, punches the clock and it's game on! As with most office jobs, either boredom or overload sets in and Cally starts screaming and getting frustrated...thats when we know it's time for "lunch hour".
The Easter Bunny 4/12/09...
weather: sunny and 32 degrees, NW winds 20-30 (that's right, below O degrees with wind chill in April!)
projects: c'mon even a house husband gets a holiday off once in a while...
Must have froze his little as off when he came to Vermont yesterday morning! It was snowing and hovered around freezing all day in the mountains. Cally is still too young to believe in the Easter Bunny (or anything else for that matter)... she has however come to understand via longitudinal survey that the milk and diaper changing fairy are likely to come multiple times a day. Our Easter tradition over the past few years has been to throw an 80's ski party in the parking lot at Stowe, typically giving our community of friends a chance to ski corn, soak some spring sun and attempt to party like we were young...again.
Anyway the cruel, sketchy Vermont weather goddess duped us good this year. While most of our friends knew the skiing would suck and opted out this year, Katy and I were determined...not to get stuck with unused tickets we'd pre-purchased! Bless their hearts, Mary & Elizabeth came with their kiddos to support the cause and help avoid the "party that never happened syndrome". Cally was on her game as usual, lounging in the old car seat and working all the people in the lodge (all 15 of them. I did mention we were at Stowe right? and on a spring weekend, right?) The skiing was, well, a little stiff and the corn never materialized. not to be defeated, we had some great freezing cold runs and some of the finest Chicken salad ever, made with love by the Homesteading Hussy.
In an effort to be the best dad possible, I decided it was time to learn more about Cally's developmental needs at Here's what I found I should be thinking about today:
3 questions about: Chubby babies (or...what would Oprah say if?)
What if my baby looks fat?
Some babies are born plump, others grow that way — but not because they have an unhealthy diet and don't exercise. It's because they haven't developed much muscle yet. This kind of baby fat isn't likely to stay with your child as she grows. When placed on her stomach, your baby will probably lift her head and shoulders high, using her arms for support. This mini push-up helps strengthen her muscles and gives her a better view of what's going on. She may even amaze you (and herself!) by rolling from her back to her front, or vice versa. Cally does all of this!
Should my baby go on a diet?
No. First, your baby's doctor will check to see whether your baby's weight and height are within the guidelines for her age. If she's too heavy, it's likely your doctor will simply watch to see how she grows. It's pretty rare for a doctor to be very concerned at this age, especially before solids have been added to a baby's diet.
Does this mean my baby will always have weight trouble?
No. A plump baby does not foreshadow an overweight teenager or adult. Many big babies slim down once they begin crawling and walking. They simply store their baby fat differently. As your baby grows, you can keep her fit and healthy by encouraging floor play. Feed her only when she's hungry, and avoid using a bottle to calm her when she's upset or stressed. Instead, offer her a toy or love and kisses.
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