We did it, we went camping with Cally for Father's Day weekend. John and I are well versed at the minimalist backcountry camping details, but the family car camping adventure is a whole new experience. It only took us three hours to get the car packed and road ready.
Compared to our friends that we joined for the adventure, we were very JV (Junior Varsity vs. being well versed or Varsity). While we did manage to fill our Saab wagon to the brim, we didn't realize all the luxuries you can bring when you are car camping. We did, however, borrow an enormous tent from our friends the Krulls (see picture of John and Cally on the blow up mattress below)

We went up to Brighton State Park in the Northeast Kingdom of Vermont (near Island Pond in the far northeast corner of the state). We met up with four other families for a total of 9 adults and 9 children. My friend, Medora, reserved three sites on a lake/pond for four days. She's amazingly organized and I knew if we forgot anything, she'd have whatever we were missing. Here's a picture of Medora and Cally:

Cally was a super camper, though she decided that there was too much going on to really take any naps or go to sleep at a reasonable hour while she was there. Who would want to sleep if you might miss things like this:

Since it was Cally's half birthday yesterday and I was assigned to bring dessert one night, I decided to take advantage of my summer off and make home-made cupcakes in celebration of her first half year on the planet.

This is a picture of Cally with her big fans Addy and Claire. Of the nine kids that were camping, six of them were four or five year old boys. Claire and Addy are seven and they LOVE Cally. They are eager to help with anything that needs to be done for Cal-- feeding her, dressing her, changing her, giving her a ride in the stroller, etc. Cally is lucky to have all these amazing older friends:

On Sunday, I took the opportunity of having all these loving friends around to go for a run. John had gone on a mountain bike ride with the other fathers and was back, so I went off with two of my girl friends to get some exercise. Upon my return, I found this:

And it wasn't Addy and Claire who put our daughter in a baby stroller. It was the grown mother's of the other kids, Jen and Medora. John had left Cally with them so he could join the boys and older kids on the "school bus"-- an old school motor boat. Jen and Mud were thrilled to get to watch a baby (as their babies are between 4 and 7 years old) and not have to "compete" with the seven year old girls. As you can tell, Cally didn't seem to mind playing baby with the moms.
Cal's got Teeth
A few weeks ago, our normally happy-go-lucky girl was out at a party that Tom and Kara were hosting and she was a mess. We were totally perplexed. Her diaper had been changed, she'd been fed, she hadn't had gas pains in months. Not knowing what else to do, we finally decided to call it defeat and leave the party before even eating dessert. On our way out the door, our friend Cynthia asked if maybe it was her teeth bothering her........... She was right. Note the two little nubbins making their way through the center of her lower jaw.

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