Before we had kids, I didn't really get the whole "play date" thing-- especially with babies. But now that Cally is getting older, I totally see the point. When babies get together, they learn so much from each other-- like how to crawl, how to share, how to wave, etc.

And the parents get to catch up outside of the classroom, talk about non-school related subjects, eat delicious food, and laugh as we watch our children paw all over each other.

It's fun for Cal to get the opportunity to see some other kids her age. Don't get me wrong, we feel so fortunate that Cally gets to spend four days a week with her buddy, Nate. He's two months older than her (and ten pounds heavier). He just learned to walk the other week, so we're pretty sure that will come soon. But it's good for Cal to practice sharing, getting her hair pulled and socializing with all sorts of kids.
Below is a recent picture of Cally and Nate. Every afternoon that it isn't raining, Meike strolls the kids a mile to the elementary school to pick up her older daughter Caroline. It's fantastic that Cally gets outside so much.
I didn't think it was possible, but everyday, it seems like Cally and John develop more and more of a bond. They both have so much fun together, especially on Thursdays when it's "all Daddy, all the time". Whereas, in the summer, Cally was all about "mama, mama". Nowadays, she's just as likely to say "dada, dada". It's so great that John was able to take those six weeks last spring. He's becoming a more amazing dad, husband, and person with each passing day. Happy Birthday Dada Abbott!
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