We've waited and we've waited......... patiently listening to friends and family talk and even complain about the gobs of snow that have fallen upon them. This year, the snow seems to have fallen in all the wrong places. My sister, who lives in Baltimore missed school for seven days because of the snow that fell in the Mid-Atlantic, but the Olympics were delayed because there wasn't enough snow........ And up here in Vermont, we hadn't even had enough snow to build a snowman for Cally.

Alas, the snow arrived at an ideal time. Just as school got out for winter break, the snow began to fall. Between Friday February 19th and Friday February 26th, the mountains got almost 60 inches of snow! And we were on our "staycation" so we got to enjoy every last bit of it. Months ago, John set the week aside from work in case we decided to go away. Instead of going away, we stuck around and got to ski together as a couple and expose Cally to a few days of ski culture (watching her parents go up on the ski lift, wearing her skis in the base area of Mad River, and walking around the Basebox at Mad River). It was the best of both worlds....... skiing as a couple during the anniversary of our wedding and honeymoon and seeing Cally so fired up about snow. Afterall, her favorite book is "Snow, Snow, Hello Snow". Really, she points at it and has us read it to her every time she's in her room.

I agree, that was one awesome storm- and much anticipated! Cute pictures, Hope the vaca wasn't too dampened by the IPDP hanging over your head...