- The night of the accident, John's sister and husband delivered Cally's favorite stuffed animals, fed our dog, and cleaned up our house.
- While at the hospital, our friend Sandy bought a phone charger and delivered it to our hospital room so that we could maintain communication with friends and family.
- Before we even got home from the hospital, our good friend Jen and her boys had dropped off a meal, a beanbag chair, toys and books for Cally.
- The day after we came home, Krull came over to make us breakfast and then Rebecca and Chase delivered more books and art supplies, and spent a few hours playing with Cally. Then our friends Cynthia and Cara came by to read stories and deliver a few movies.
- The next day, our friends the Krulls and the Aubins encouraged us to get out of the house and meet them at ECHO (a children's museum) where they helped us wade through the gobs of kids and made Cally smile.

- One day the Roose family came by with play do and dress up clothes.
- Sandy, Rowan, Nils, Willem, and Shae delivered more books and did some more reading with Cal so that Mom could go out for a special night with the gals.
- Scott came by while John was away to read to Cal, carry her upstairs, and then hold Hazen.
- Our neighbors, the Gardners, came by with chocolate and books.
- Anton, Popkin, and Colleen came by to tell stories and sign Cally's cast.
- Cath and Ty brought a toy and a book and read to Cal.
- Bobby came by with Hazen and Milo to make Cally smile.
- Medora, Addy, and Tanner came by several times with crafts and books for Cally and an eagerness to hold Hazen, thus giving me a much needed break.
- John's parents came up for four days with meals, tons of love and support.
- My sister and Will came up for another four days ready to read, fix lunches, and do dishes as needed.
- And then there is the Ganz Clan. Upon hearing the news, they immediately sprung into action. They came by with a truck full of helpful things. Austin fashioned a moving dolly into a wagon of sorts, they brought a bean bag chair, a high chair, medical advice, books, flashcards, dinner, and tons of love. And for the next three Tuesdays, the Ganz Clan continued to show up...... wisking Hazen out of my arms, letting me (and John when he is around) go on a quick ski, making a home cooked meal, and then pulling Cal around in the wagon, doing puzzles with her, reading books to her, and making her feel so darn special. And it's not like these folks have nothing else going on..... Mary works four days a week as a post-partum doula for two other families, the kids have homework to do, and Austin has sap to collect, but they came every week making our life so much brighter.
I hope we never need to call in this sort of help again, but I know that all these people would be there in a second if we needed it. I just hope there is some way to reciprocate what has been done for us.