So I was feeling pretty sorry for myself. My husband, coparenting partner, houseman, and ski buddy, left to teach a backcountry ski and avalanche course in Idaho on Saturday morning. I was very envious of the skiing he'd get to do in such a gorgeous place, but what I was most jealous of was the uninterrupted nights of sleep he'd get....... I knew I couldn't handle a 5 week old and an invalid 2-year old on my own, so we called in the reinforcements.

Nana and Grandpa were willing to do whatever was needed to help us out. So, they came up on Friday with a car full of home cooked goodies, a lot of patience, their best reading voices, and a great attitude. They welcomed Cally into their bed each morning, reading Curious George and other books over and over again, so that I could get coffee made, Hazen fed, and the day started. They helped us shuttle a car back from the airport and most importantly, they helped me survive a 30 inch snowstorm that surprised all of us. I'd been nagging John about teaching me to use the snowblower, but it just never happened. So, when I woke up to this on Monday morning:
I knew I'd have to figure it out. Fortunately, the snowblower had been given to John by his father, so Art was able to talk me through the start up. With Nana reading to Cally and tending to Hazen, I took charge of the snowblowing and after three separate snowblowing episodes, I got our driveway cleared. I'll admit, I felt pretty empowered and independent...... but I also was sore from using upper body muscles I had never needed to use like that before.
We didn't leave the house on Monday, but eventually, we could have. It felt good not to be stuck or "shut in". So, while many of my colleagues and friends were making turns in the gobs of snow that were falling from the skies, I was feeling sorry for myself about not being able to ski.... until my dear friend Mary called to see if I wanted to join her at Mad River while swapping off Hazen care... and then I saw the light at the end of the tunnel. And what a light it was! It was a feel good, bluebird day and ideal conditions. Plus, I got to ski with three lovely wombats (and some other their offspring) with whom I never get to ski these days and they fought about who would get to hang out with Hazen in the lodge.
On Wednesday, Cally and Hazen's dear Aunt Nif came to help out. She arrived with cousin Will and brought a wonderful attitude and horrible weather. They entertained Cally, cuddled with Hazen, and gave me the opportunity to get out and exercise Zephy.
And it takes a village....... other key players in helping me through my week of single parenthood were the Ganz clan (more on them later) who brought us dinner on Tuesday night, The Harris Plimpton crew who entertained us on Thursday night,

and Uncle James, Aunt Paula, Kesley and Jameson who entertained us on Saturday night.

and Uncle James, Aunt Paula, Kesley and Jameson who entertained us on Saturday night.
I couldn't have survived this week without all the aforementioned help. I'd been nervous about my time alone before Cally even hurt hersel, but once that happened I wasn't afraid to ask for help. Fortunately, I've got wonderful friends and family members who could be there for us. That said, I'm not going to lie, I'm counting down the hours until my co-pilot returns!
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