Here's to my youngest cousin Lindsay and her marriage to Silas! We did our best to get to their wedding. I won't go into the details, but let's just say it was a travel disaster and we therefore didn't make their nuptuals. We did, however, get to spend some time with them after they became Mr. and Mrs. Odell.

The guys all got to go for a kayak excursion:
Cally finally saw a real live alligator:

She got to ride in Uncle James' rented Mustang Convertable and wondered why the windows wouldn't go up:
And Grandma gave Cal her first pedicure:

And we all got to spend some time on the beach again:

And we all got to spend some quality time cuddling with his relatives:

Here's to the Underwood sisters, who continue the tradition of getting family together!

And here's to cute kids who aren't necessarily that much fun to travel with, but keep us smiling and feeling fortunate to be a family!

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