This time of year seems to come alive with two small children in the equation. From what I can gather, John has always been about the decorations and festivities. I'll never forget, a month after we started to date, he was living alone and was headed to visit family for the holidays, but he insisted on getting a tree and decorating the house. He's even more into it, now that he's got a few little red heads to impress.
We got our tree early this year. There was snow on the ground, so we decided to seize the moment on December 1st. Addy Harris was hanging out with us for the day (her parents were in Boston), so she was a great helper.
We didn't actually decorate the tree for a few more days, but we did get to pull the sled on the snow.

Although the white blanket of fun was short lived, we have managed to get out on the slopes a couple of times over the past few weeks. We even got little H on the hill and after a little apprehension, he seems to love it! Cally is all over it. She's cruising on her own and turning a bunch.
The kids got to go to another fun birthday party at the Smuggler's Notch Fun Zone.
Cal and I got to go on a really fun mother-daughter date to the Nutcracker. The local Ballet Company put together an amazing show. She didn't even get squirmy until the last scene!
The events of last week in Newtown, CT have really hit me hard. I don't know if it is because I am a teacher or that I have been in a school when a shooting happened or if it's because I'm a mom or because it took place so close to where I grew up, but this tragedy has had a big impact. I know that what happened is so random, but every time I look at my kids, who are just budding into the people I have so many hopes and dreams for, my heart breaks for those parents and that community. I just recently found out that one of my neighbors from growing up lost her son to the tragedy. This makes everything so much more real and awful. I don't want to dwell too much on the ugly and I'm trying to use this to cherish all the moments with my little buds-- even when they are biting or hitting or whining. It makes me so appreciative of what I have.
We've got lots to do between now and Christmas. We've got grandparents arriving, a dinner with cousins, a solstice burning of a 15 foot mastodon, a 4th birthday to celebrate, cousins to host, and parties to attend. I'm really looking forward to some good quality time with family!
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