Thursday, January 31, 2013

Hazey's 2nd Birthday!

I can't even believe this little guy is 2!  Sweet Hazey, you have been such a gift and you continue to bring smiles to the faces of all around you.  That mop of red hair, sweet voice, fantastic giggle, and strong hugs are the elixer to our life.  Cally, John and I are constantly finding ourselves saying, "you are so darn cute!" and you have made our family complete.

Your birthday fell on a "hump day" this year.  Your dad was coming out of the darkness of a flu-like illness, your mom was busy wrapping up one semester and starting the next, the deep freeze came to an abrupt hault-- with temps nearing 55 degrees and Cally was coming down with the same creeping crud that your dad had.  But, your godparents and cousins rallied to celebrate your two trips around the sun and you couldn't have been happier!

We made your a big lasagna because you always say you want "pasta" for dinner and you got really into unwrapping all the amazing gifts you got in honor of your special day.

He instantly took to the new scooter he got from Grandma and Bumpa, loved the Peter Rabbit he got from his Nana and Grandpa, messed around with the a new car carrying truck from his cousins, snuggled with his new stuffed monkey from Cally and has already made a few slap shots with the hockey/Lacrosse/soccer equipment he got from us.

A beautiful quilt made by Godmamma Cara's Mom, Minerva

You are the sunshine in our grey days!  Thanks for the big smiles, goofy dances and love.  We can't wait to get to know you better with each new day. 

Daniel Boone/Davey Crockett hats from Cynthia & Scott

This is just one of the great cards that you got for your birthday.  I think Cally made about six different cards for you, but this is the one she liked the best.  Your friends at daycare also had a great card and celebration for you. Thanks everyone for the love on this fine fellows special day.  We all love you so much Hazey!

Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Artist in the house!

"Our House" by Cally 1/27/13
The end of January is a busy time for the Abbott's.  John starts a new semester.  I end a semester with exams and then start a new one.  But for the kids, it's just another time of the year.  We had some brutally cold weather recently.  The days were brilliant and sunny, but in the negative range.  It was frustrating.  You can only stay inside and draw so many pictures

"Dad and me at the beach"

On Saturday, when it was supposed to get into the positive double digits and John had to attend a leadership retreat for the day, I decided to just go for it and get out of the house with the kids.  I'm pretty sure between the weight of the children (60 lbs), the chariot and ski attachment  (37 lbs) and various other accessories (sleeping bag, fleece blanket, etc.), that I was pulling over 100 lbs up Smuggler's Notch...... It was a workout and it was cold (there isn't much sun in the notch).  But these two were having a ball.  As I rushed down the road because I was freezing and worried about the kids, I heard Cally busting out in song:

"I like winter, I like snow!
I like icy winds that blow,
I like snowflakes oh so light,
Making all the ground so white.
I like sliding down the hill
I like tumbling in a spill!
Oh! Ho! Seasons come
And Seasons go.
I like winter, I like snow!"

On Monday the weather gods finally brought us some new snow and Cally dragged her run down and sick parents out to sled with her and her brother in the backyard.  I'm so glad she did because within 24 hours, the snow was gone and 24 hours later everything was frozen solid! 

But these monkey's have nothing to complain about.  They are happy putting on their monkey jammies and doing their monkey dance.  And, in other big news, sharing a bedroom!  Yep, Hazey has moved to a big boy bed in Cally's room and it is possibly one of the cutest scenes I've ever seen!

Monday, January 14, 2013

January Thaw

John was teaching a Winter Skills class in the White Mountains from Tuesday - Saturday last week.  I always dread these "Single Parenting" times.  I worry about how I can pull off drop off, working, pick up, and the evening routine while maintaining my sanity.  I think the anticipation is the worst of it, and this always makes John feel guilty about leaving the team.

But, when I'm in it, it really isn't as bad as I anticipate.  I only forgot a hat for Cally and my own school bag one morning and then got it together for all other drop offs.  I squeezed in a few ski tours for myself (and paid a little extra for after care at Poker Hill) and even got out for a girls night (thanks to Cousin Chris coming over to babysit).  The kids were in bed every night by 7pm and I was in bed by 9:30 (I'm rarely in bed before 11pm when my parenting partner is around).  So, I'm figuring out how to make the best of these times when John has to be gone, without making him feel bad for doing what he's always done.

I was even able to handle a Saturday morning with three kids under the age of 4 (my brief foray into parenting three kids) on my own.  I managed to do an art project, get them dressed to go outside to build a snowman, and fed.

And once John did get home, we decided to go on a "family date" to the neighborhood cafe.  Cal wore her professional figure skater's dress, formal slippers and new sweater from Nana.  Hazen just opted for his new skate boarding shoes and a red sox sweatshirt over a button down.

Even though the snow is melting and we are pretty sad about that, it gives us a chance to slow it down and have a lazy brunch with good friends!

Tuesday, January 8, 2013

Nana's Big 7-0!

Decade birthday's are meant to be made a fuss about!  So, when we asked Nana what she wanted to do to celebrate her 7 decades on the planet, she made it clear she just wanted to be surrounded by family.  With January being a hectic time in our household, we knew we had to put everything aside and make it down to Nana and Grandpa's for a visit.

We arrived with sleeping kids on Friday night, who settled into their beds easily and let us enjoy a lovely Peg cooked meal for dinner.  The kids slept until 7am and Peg whisked them downstairs, fed them breakfast and let John and me sleep in until 8:30!  I'm not really sure if we've ever both slept past 7am.

Because our visit was less than two weeks after X-mas, Nana and Grandpa decided to extend the gift giving madness and we had two little critters who were thrilled about opening a few more packages!

 Cally was thrilled to get a talking monkey (which made both her and her Nana laugh like little school girls) and a new book about her body (more on this later, but she's pretty much obsessed with the human body, the circulatory system and kidneys are her favorite).  Hazen was immediately throwing the balls that he got and using his new magnifying glass.

And both kids are looking even cuter than ever with adorable new Nana made sweaters!

Grandpa and Nana were kind enough to watch the kids for most of the afternoon so that John and I could visit with Mark and catch up with some of John's old elementary school buddies.  It was so great to see Mark.  He's six months out from the stem cell transplant and everything is looking great.  It hasn't been without it's stumbling blocks, but he's keeping such an amazing attitude.  The big news is that he was given the green light to eat hot food prepared outside of the home!  He hasn't been able to eat anything that wasn't cooked in his own kitchen for six months!  I can't even imagine having to make so many home cooked meals.

The real treat was getting to take Nana out for an adult only dinner with Lynn, Chris, and  Catherine.  Peg chose a trendy Oyster Bar/Restaurant in West Hartford and we had a great evening.

As Art put it, "I never thought, when I took this gal out for a date 51 years ago, I'd end up with this-- 8 grandkids, 3 kids......."  We are all so lucky that Baby Peg was born 70 years ago!  She's raised great children, been an amazing grandmother, and a wonderful mother-in-law!  May she have many more trips around the sun.