Sunday, February 15, 2015


I've been saying that Valentine's Day is my favorite holiday for a while.  It still is, but there is an added complication........ it's the making of dozens of valentines for classmates and daycare friends and family.  We cut out hearts, glued them onto small construction paper, added a few stickers and used heart shaped stamps on the envelope.  Fortunately, we started early this year.

Cal was invited to three birthday parties in one day the weekend before Valentine's Day.  John took her to the first one at Pizza Put (an indoor "fun zone" type place which always creeps me out b/c there are no windows, lots of people, and a lot of places to pick up germs), the second one was at an ice skating rink, and the third was night skiing.  Sadly, Cal went down during the second birthday party.  Literally, she lay herself down on the ice and said she didn't want cake and had a head ache.  It seems she'd picked up the creeping crud that had been making its way through schools.  This meant missing the third birthday, sleeping all day Sunday, and missing school the day before her school Valentine's day celebration.  It also meant a lack of energy to make cards...... so that wasn't fun.

But making heart shaped pancakes, giving the kids and John little gifts, and showing my family how much I love them was really fun.

And then Cynthia and Scott joined us for a Valentine's Day tea-- with pink cake and all!

And I celebrated the night by going to see "50 Shades of Grey" with my girlfriends.  Silly, but fun!