Thursday, February 15, 2018

February Fun

Aside from Hazey turning 7, Julius, Tom and Cara's grandson turned 2.  We went to hang out with him to celebrate his special day. 

Meanwhile, John and I went to see the Wailers (of Bob Marley) at the Stowe Performing Arts Center with the Mangos.  It was an amazing show.  I had no idea how much fun it would be to see reggae in the middle of winter.  It was so uplifting and fun!

Every Monday, my friend Lindsay has offered to watch our kids.  The kids take the bus to her house, eat a snack and then do something fun outdoors.  They quite like the new "go cart".

Every Tuesday the kids go to Poker Hill Arts.  They've been having so much fun building towers out of Keva blocks!

 And, of course, we are still skiing as much as we can.  The kids are becoming quite the little rippers, thanks to their lessons with the ski club: