Friday, March 11, 2016

March "Snow Day" and Sunshine

Our vacation was delayed a day because of a "snow day".  It wasn't really even snowy.  In fact, it was wet and yucky, so the kids and I went skating and visited Echo's Love Exhibit.

The kids have been having moments of being really good to each other.  Here's Cally helping Hazey write a thank you note to his grandparents. 

March is always when John heads off to Idaho with his students for a Backcountry Ski and Avalanche course.  So, six days after he returned from Utah, he boarded a plan for Boise.

The kids and I hit the Mardi Gras Parade in Burlington:

Then we joined friends at a benefit part at Arts Riot:

Hazey really got into "cutting the rug"

And Cally's Sunday Mighty Might lesson was a picture perfect spring skiing kind of day.  A little early for that, but a treat to enjoy some corn snow and apres with the kids:

With no snow on the ground, we managed to get out for a fun hike at the Red Mill.  It's hard to believe that we skied through April last year.