Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Too Long

It's been a long time since this clan has made a trek down to visit Grandma and Bumpa.  Because John was going to be away teaching the field practical part of his "Wilderness Education and Leadership" course for a weekend and the grandparents had recently gotten back from a big trip to Russia, we decided to pay them a visit.

The kids love going down to visit their grandparents.  There is the trampoline, but also the abundance of different toys and books, a mellow old dog, and visits to new and exciting places like the Maritime Center:

checking out a horseshoe crab

more touch tank fun
meeting Captain America

meeting some sort version of Aquaman

But what they love most, is getting to spend some quality time with their grandparents.  

Grandma's are much better readers than Mom or Dad

Hazen checking out Bumpa's latest model

We got to go on dog walks, were spoiled by home cooked meals, and appreciated a gorgeous weekend.  Cally and Bumpa walked over to the high school to see a football game together, Hazen took a great nap, I got to catch up with a few old friends, and we even survived going out to a nice dinner with the kids!

On Sunday, we visited the Stamford Nature Center where the kids saw pigs, exotic sheep, goats, chickens, oxen, gekkos, snakes, tortoises, and more.

But the real reason we went, was to see the Otters.  The Nature Center has a wonderful facility for two adorable river otters.  23 year ago, Bumpa donated his two pet otters to this facility.  When I was 18 years old, Bumpa arrived home from one of his many business trips to Texas with a small cat carrying case.  He had taken a layover in Louisiana to pick up these critters that had fascinated him since reading "Ring of Bright Water" 30 years earlier.  He had secretly done research, gotten a license to have them, and found a place to procure them.

Some men have mid-life crisis that involve buying a fast car or a big boat...... but Bumpa got baby river otters!  He hadn't necessarily thought through everything that would be involved with owning river otters, but this impulse buy was one that opened my heart to one of the most amazing organisms on the planet.  There is no other animal that has such an innate need/drive to play.  Whether sliding down carpeted staircases on their belly or strewing toilet paper around the bathroom as if taking part in Mischief Night, they were both always having fun.  We taught them how to swim and fish and walked them on leashes.

Because our home in suburban Connecticut wasn't all that well equipped for long term Otter fostering, Bumpa donated Charlie and Tess to the Nature Center.  For years, when I would come back into town during vacations from college, we would go and visit them and they always recognized us.  Sadly, Tess succumbed to a illness (likely to have been introduced by a wild otter that got into the facility during a big snow storm).  A new lady otter named Rosie was brought in to be Charlie's mate, but she was never as friendly.  Charlie, too, died before every siring any offspring.

Bumpa taught me that it's good to dream big and make it happen-- even if people think you are slightly wacky.

We had a great visit to Connecticut.  There is nothing relaxing about hanging out with Hazen and Cally right now,  They have a lot of energy and volume and conversation.  But Grandma and Bumpa really rallied to show us all a fun time. I'm so glad we got to spend a great weekend with the grandparents.

Wednesday, October 16, 2013

Fall Fandango Continues

This fall keeps on giving us the most gorgeous weather I've ever experienced at this time of year in Vermont.  The Plimpton-Harris family is boarding two lovely horses for the winter, so we decided to go down there to ride the horses, help shuttle bales of hay, and enjoy the lovely day while watching little Henry Kelsey.  

Tanner, Henry, Hazen, Cally, the goats, and one horse

"Riding" the ATV
The big event was getting Hazen on the horse.... and so fired up about being there.  Every time we've tried to do a pony ride, he's freaked out and we've had to get our money back.  So, we were really surprised how excited he was to be on Creole.

Can't beat this setting
Hazen is full of questions these days.  So when he kept asking us where milk comes from, it occurred to me that we'd never brought him to milk a cow.  Shelburne Farms has all sorts of farm demonstrations throughout the spring, summer and fall, so we decided to head over there on a gorgeous Sunday to let Hazey see for himself, just where we get our milk from.

He wasn't really sure what to think when he saw the big cow and learned all about her.

After watching Cally do some milking, he was confident enough to give it a try:

We also went on a great hike on the Shelburne Farms property:

Climbing a gorgeous apple tree
Lake Champlain and the Adirondacks to the West
The Green Mountains to the East

Taking a ride back to the car behind a tractor

It's been a bummer that John "broke his wing" and has missed out on riding and adventuring through the forest on his bike this fall.  However, it has enabled us to do a lot more as a family.  We are so fortunate to live in such a beautiful place!

Tuesday, October 8, 2013

Our Little Helpers

Fall's a busy time for getting stuff done around the house!  Fortunately, the kids are at ages where they LOVE to help.  Whether donning work gloves to help dad scoop chicken poop or carrying a rake around to help Mom rake the lawn or even picking up the "little logs" and keeping Mom company while she stacks wood, the kids have been super jazzed to help us get it all done.

Cally helping dad clean out the chicken coop
Rake Helper #1
Rake Helper #2
Can you find the kids?  The ginger hair blends right into the leaves.
Hazen helping cut apples for the 4 apple pies he made with Dad
Their enthusiasm for "getting it done" around the house, has made all these chores so much more fun for everyone.  But, don't worry, they still find time to goof around and play like regular kids do!

Sunday, October 6, 2013

The Godparents!

Here's to Auntie Cara and Uncle Tommy!  They are the best.  John has known Tom for more than 20 years and I got to know them as a couple seven years ago.  From the moment I met them, they were warm and welcoming.  Even though I wasn't the first in the line of lucky ladies to "date" John, they have always made me feel special and right for their good friend.

They were there to celebrate us at our wedding and have continued to embrace our family as it has grown.  They have been there when the kids were born, broken, or needing company (like when their parents go to a wedding for 8 hours).  When I ask the kids who they love, Tom and Cara are always on the list.

Tom and Cara have been together for 10 years.  And for most of that time, we thought they would just stay as domestic partners forever.  However, they both had higher hopes....... but those hopes weren't always aligned at the same time.  So, when we got a card in the mail in March of 2012 showing pictures of them, we were amazed to see that they had decided to "tie the knot" at the Town Hall privately.  We were thrilled and Cally couldn't wait to attend the party to celebrate their union.  They kept saying, "yeah, yeah, we'll do that.... someday".

Well, the time finally came a few weeks ago.  The rented the Waterbury Grange Hall, invited all their friends, and decided to have a "show" to celebrate their marriage.  Guests were asked to do a performance and join them for a dinner afterwards.

Of course, John and I winced at the thought of getting up in front of a crowd to perform any sort of musical act.  But, Cally was all fired up.  She immediately came up with an act.  She decided we should act out "Five Little Pumpkins", a song she sings at Poker Hill.  It has about 7 lines.  We each had to remember one line and she would take care of the rest. We practiced about 27 times.  And most times John and Hazey forgot their lines, but we were finally ready to go.  Of course, I don't have any photos or video footage of our act, but Cally rocked it and we all remembered our lines.  She started by saying, "Hello, I'm Cally Abbott and this is my family.  Tom and Cara are Hazen's godparents and we love them".  Then she went on to solo most of the song herself, and also sang "You are my Sunshine".  It was pretty darn cute.  John also got teary eyed as he recounted what great friends Tom and Cara have been to him.

The kids also had a chance to goof around and dance a little during the fun performances.

We are so lucky to have such loving and available godparents for our kids.  They genuinely love our children and the kids love them right back.  The kids feel their generosity and affection and send it right back to them.

Wednesday, October 2, 2013

Harvest Market and Peak Folliage


Harvest Festival is one of Cally's favorite events of the year.  She made her crown and helped paint banners.  She loves walking in the parade.  It's a pretty adorable event. 

Hazen didn't have a crown to wear, so he decided to wear a costume.  Even though temps were in the 70's, he kept that outfit on well into the day!

The Harvest Market is pretty sweet.... pole climbing, bouncy houses, fried food, etc.  Here is a shot of Cally and Hazen checking out a rehabilitated owl.


With the weather so gorgeous, we decided to make the most of our Sunday and get to the top of Vermont.  John was sweet enough to give me a "pass" to ride with some of the guys I teach with early and then we met for a drive and hike up Mt. Mansfield.  Hazen was game to give his hiking legs another try.


He didn't last all that long on his own, because the rocks got harder to follow.  But, Cal was all over the hike!

We had a great picnic "snack" and then headed back. 

I can't think of a better place to be on such a gorgeous day.  

Both kids were down for the count within minutes of being in the car.