Friday, September 12, 2014


We have entered the world of "soccer parents".  Try watching a swarm of five year olds play soccer. It's painful.  They actually don't spend all that much time looking as athletic as Cally does in the above picture.  They spend more time standing around, throwing grass in the air, twirling around, or just running -- but not with or towards the ball.   

The people who coach these kids are saints.  As John says, "they have amazing patience".  I'm glad that all I have to do is sit back and watch.

Cal is having fun.  She's more up for the 6pm practices on Monday evenings that we are.  We don't love that kids sports have suddenly started encroaching on our valuable unstructured weekend time..... but she's learning about what it means to be a good sport, to be on a team, and maybe, just maybe a few skills (but we aren't sure about that one).

As always, snacks are a big part of the experience!