Tuesday, January 5, 2016

January Hope!

We did finally get a little snow to ski as a family on New Years Weekend and made it out for some skiing as a family.

Even more fun, if that we had enough to cross country ski up Smugglers Notch.  I've done this so many times on my own or with the chariot, but to do it with Cally and her good friend Thompson and her mom was a dream come true!

The girls did such a great job.  It wasn't an easy ski up, but it was an even more difficult downhill.  But they did it!  With smiles on their faces, they did it.  

These two have known each other for six and a half years and it's been such a joy to see their friendship grow.  I can't wait to see the other adventures they go on and challenges they surmount.  Girl Power!