Tuesday, April 7, 2015


We continue to be taunted by warm weather, only to be forced back into the "freezer".  This Easter weekend was no exception.  I was so hoping that we'd have spring conditions and spend the day tailgating and skiing.  Alas, that wasn't the way the wind blew.  So, on Friday night, John and I decided to invite folks over for an Easter Egg Hunt and Breakfast.  

We didn't want to commit to a whole day of entertaining (which sometimes happens with the typical brunch), so we called it a breakfast and asked folks to show up at 9am (so we could go skiing at a reasonable time).  Low and behold, eight kids and ten adults showed up for the fun.

It's pretty clear that they all had a lot of fun.  And the sun came out, so it wasn't too bad.

It wouldn't be easter without an Easter Bunny carrot cake:

We hit the slopes for some excellent, winter conditions. The kids continue to impress us-- skiing from the top of Smuggs and really not slowing either John or me down.

And the best part is, we continued the Easter celebration at Claire and Kevin's house (with many of the same people who had been at our house for the Easter egg hunt.

The Easter Bunny did make a visit. Cal was concerned about one of the eggs that she dyed.  She left this note for E. Bunny:

Cally woke up early to see if E. Bunny did come for a visit and the excitement was palpable.  The kids each got a water bottle, a book, and some treats.  All Hazen really cares about is the candy, but the magic of believing is so absolutely pure and adorable.