Monday, January 14, 2013

January Thaw

John was teaching a Winter Skills class in the White Mountains from Tuesday - Saturday last week.  I always dread these "Single Parenting" times.  I worry about how I can pull off drop off, working, pick up, and the evening routine while maintaining my sanity.  I think the anticipation is the worst of it, and this always makes John feel guilty about leaving the team.

But, when I'm in it, it really isn't as bad as I anticipate.  I only forgot a hat for Cally and my own school bag one morning and then got it together for all other drop offs.  I squeezed in a few ski tours for myself (and paid a little extra for after care at Poker Hill) and even got out for a girls night (thanks to Cousin Chris coming over to babysit).  The kids were in bed every night by 7pm and I was in bed by 9:30 (I'm rarely in bed before 11pm when my parenting partner is around).  So, I'm figuring out how to make the best of these times when John has to be gone, without making him feel bad for doing what he's always done.

I was even able to handle a Saturday morning with three kids under the age of 4 (my brief foray into parenting three kids) on my own.  I managed to do an art project, get them dressed to go outside to build a snowman, and fed.

And once John did get home, we decided to go on a "family date" to the neighborhood cafe.  Cal wore her professional figure skater's dress, formal slippers and new sweater from Nana.  Hazen just opted for his new skate boarding shoes and a red sox sweatshirt over a button down.

Even though the snow is melting and we are pretty sad about that, it gives us a chance to slow it down and have a lazy brunch with good friends!