Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Cally Goes to the Fair

I never thought I'd be one of those people to go out of my way to entertain an infant. Don't get me wrong, both John and I entertain our daughter all the time-- we read books, sing goofy songs, crawl around on the floor with her, etc. etc. What I mean is I thought there would be a time and a place to go out of our way to expose Cally to different places and events for the sake of her. I just didn't think it was necessary when she was so young........ I figured we'd do those kinds of things later when she'd have more of a capacity to remember the events.

Well, that was before I realized that even infants can have a propensity for certain things and demonstrate a real thrill upon being around them. For Cally, this propensity is for animals. We see it everyday when she smiles and screeches upon catching a glimpse of our kitty, Lobster, or pup, Zephy.

And so, when we were trying to figure out what to do on a beautiful Saturday and we threw around our options-- an all-day local music festival (which would have been a no-brainer for the adults involved) or the Addison Country Fair (which I'd actually never been to, nor ever really had an interest in going to), we opted for the fair-- figuring it would bring a lot of smiles to Cally:

She beamed from ear to ear whenever she saw a cow, a sheep, a goat, a donkey..... anything with four legs. And the Kids Barn was pretty unreal-- the place was packed to the gills with parents, kids, and very mellow animals.

We couldn't pass up the following photo opportunities:

Hopefully this will be the only snow-mobile that Cally ever sits on.......

She can't wait to ride on one of the Kubota tractors that several of our friends have.

We went to the fair with our friend's, Tim, Sophia, and Beckett. They came up from the New Paltz area of New York. Beckett is 20 months old and Cally took quite a shining to him.

In the end, we did go out of our way to entertain our infant. She probably wouldn't remember if we'd gone to see the music or the fair, but she certainly had a ball at the fair and it felt good to do something for the kids. I guess I'm learing a little everyday.

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