Tuesday, May 31, 2016

Memorial Day Heat

Memorial day means a couple of things to this family....... running races for the kids and me and a sweet local parade.  All week, we watched the weather, hoping that the anticipated heat and humidity wasn't really going to happen.  Alas, as the weekend crept up on us, it was clear that it was going to be a scorcher.  I was secretly hoping they'd cancel the marathon.  I really, really, don't like running when it's above 80 degrees.  But, I paid $170 to split the half marathon with my dear friend, Jen, plus we trained a lot throughout the spring, so I was going to do it.

The kids decided to run the 1 mile kids race the year before the race.  I knew there might be problems when an ambulance delayed the start of their race-- it was called in for a 9 year old who ran the 2 mile race?!?!?!

But the kids did great!  They ran the whole race and stuck together with their good friend T.

Fortunately, we have friends with beautiful ponds with gorgeous back drops, so we got to cool off after the kids big race.

Jen and I managed to finish the marathon before they shut it down because of extreme heat.  We were actually well within the cut off.  In fact, we won the women's master's 2-person relay by 17 minutes!  Hard to believe, given that it was a slow race for me.

This year, both the kids and John were in the Jericho-Underhill Memorial Day parade. The boys were with their little league team and Cally was with her Daisies troop.   I got to sit back under a tree and watch the whole thing.

In other news, John finished the new barn doors for our garage siding project!  Now onto the Mud room.

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