Monday, September 19, 2016

Art Hop and Tunbridge Fair

Art Hop is a favorite event for me and John.  This year the kids insisted that they get to go for Saturday's kids day: 

 It's been so fun to see these two together lately.  Below are some pictures of them doing a weekly scavenger hunt at the Jericho Farmers Market.  If they get the questions correct, they earn $3 in produce money, which they can spend at any vender who sells fruits or veggis.

Meanwhile, the parents got out for a fun date night seeing the Infamous String Dusters.

And a biking date:

With Zephy:

And we made it to a favorite event, the Tunbridge World's Fair:

petting a 4 day old calf

riding the ferris wheel

Ferris Wheel Gal


Checking out the "one room" schoolhouse 
not too old for a pony ride

I love Vermont!  It's such a treat to live in this beautiful place with so many wonderful events.  It's hard to leave.

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